Student research centers: concept competition launched

Apply from March 1 through August 31, 2023.

Jakob, Anna Lena und Jonathan vom Gymnasium Eppendorf arbeiten an einer Flugdrohne.

Student research centers cannot be imposed "from above". Whether the initiator is a nature park or a university, whether the center is established in a rural area or in a large city, or how many schools are located in the catchment area, student research centers differ depending on local conditions.

Together with the Jugend forscht e. V. foundation, we are honoring concepts in the competition that successfully take these local conditions into account to promote independent learning. Up to five prize-worthy concepts are selected by a jury and receive start-up funding of up to 15,000 euros in addition to the award.

Call for entries 2023

Student research centers from all over Germany can apply until August 31, 2023. The award ceremony will then take place in 2024 as part of the next symposium.

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