Joachim Herz Foundation

We promote education, science and research

As early as the beginning of the 1980s, Joachim Herz and his later wife Petra held initial talks about the establishment of a foundation and discussed possible statutory purposes and areas of responsibility. Promoting knowledge and education in the natural sciences and in the field of economics is their central concern in order to ensure the future viability of our society.

Stiftungsgebäude in Hamburg-Langenhorn. Blick auf das Gebäude und die grüne Hecke drum herum. Es ist eine moderne Architektur, ebenfalls ist der alte Kaffeeturm zu sehen, um den sich das neue Gebäude herumzieht.

The foundation

Find out everything you need to know about the Joachim Herz Foundation here: information about our founder Joachim Herz, what contribution we make to climate protection and the basic principles of our foundation's work.

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